Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Shop Review: Pam Wishbow

Greetings Fanatics!

Sorry in advance for bad pictures, my phone is being terrible to me today. I recently made a purchase of a few spooky items from PamWishbow, an artist on Etsy. Besides her beautifully cartoony illustrations and use of color, the dark themes in Pam's shop speak to whatever is residing in my bones that compels me to accumulate interesting things. Whatever you can call Wishbow's style, you can be assured that it's got "It". Besides art prints and zines, she carries items you didn't even know you needed: a random pack of items for whatever adventure you might head off on, a personalized haunting for your home, hand sewn sigil banners to protect your home.

For my first (but certainly not last) purchase from Pam Wishbow, I bought a House Ghost, a Quest Pack for Aaron, Professor Pam's Semi-Famous Hex Breaker, and a mini love zine called The Carpenter to gift to Aaron. When I received my package, I was thrilled to see that it included a little print and a Fortune Telling Fish! My previous fortune fish went through the wash and I was excited to get another. Aaron's fortune read "Passionate" and mine was "False" (important for later!).

If you've been reading my reviews for any length of time, you'll know that I like to review each item separately first and then as a whole.

House Ghost

The description for this item reads:

"In one of these packs you get five cards:

a ghost
how they died
where they haunt
how they haunt
what object they inhabit"

I got Loyal Rex, the goldfish, who dies from exposure in an armoire in the basement and visits me with levitation . Fun!

I like the random selection that you get. This would make a neat present to send anonymously through the mail to someone who would appreciate it,

Quest Pack and the Carpenter

The two gifts for Aaron. The Carpenter is a tiny 10 page zine with full color illustrations, filled with enough sweet sentiment to have embarrassed Aaron when I gave it to him. Perfect.
 The Quest Pack was a fun gift, bought with the knowledge that Aaron loves putting together games more so than playing them. The pack comes with 10 random cards out of a possible 190 items that Wishbow has illustrated.

Professor Pam's Semi-Famous Hex Breaker

I had originally intended to only purchase this item, but couldn't help myself with the rest. I'm glad I put a strict budget on first purchases for reviews, or ALL of the sigil wall hangings would be hanging around our house right now.

The idea of this good luck charm is simple. Destroy this small, stamped clay tablet to get rid of any bad luck following you around.

And boy am I glad I have this right now. 

The past few days have been full of anxiety/panic attacks, coming from nowhere. Today alone, I've found out that the local prekindergarten class is too full to accept Isaac (who was looking forward to school!), burnt myself for the first time in years, had the toilet overflow and flood the bathroom, and found out that an armed robbery took place last night in our parking lot, not an hour after Aaron, Isaac, and I were walking around chatting about how safe our neighborhood is.

It's just a little too much to be my usual bad luck.

So I've snapped this tablet in half in my hands. Even if the action is just enough to snap me out of the bad mood I've been in, I'll count it as a success. Whether it'll work is up in the air. I'll let you know.

I loved all of this package. Everything was just a tiny bit smaller than I expected, but that's my fault for never measuring before hand. It was all well made, beautifully packaged, and had that handmade quality that I love so much.

Great job, Pam Wishbow! Expect another order from me soon, because I notice that you've made a beautiful bone casting cloth available in your shop.

Stay Fanatic!

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