Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday Shop Review: Mother Mountain Herbs

Greetings, Fanatics!
It's no secret that I'm terribly into drinking tea. It's an aisle that I never pass up in stores, no matter how much tea we already have in our cabinets. I can always tell when my family is out of gift ideas for me when I get teas and still, I'm always excited by getting a new tin or box of it.
I came across Mother Mountain Herbs on Etsy when my favorite online blended tea shop closed and was instantly intrigued by the tea variety I found.
Mother Mountain Herbs is filled with organic herbal tea blends, sprays, and oils all handcrafted in Asheville, North Carolina. Each tea is filled with herbs that help promote health with the help of different plants - blends such as ElderMother, Mellow Belly, and Heart Path promise to give your immune system a little boost, help your digestion, and calm your nerves.

 For this review, I tried Psychic Eye.
Psychic Eye is a mix of blue cornflower, holy basil, mugwort, gotu kola, chamomile, and orange peel. The herbs in this blend help promote sleep and are supposed to relax and open your mind to allow better meditation, lucid dreaming, and (some believe) psychic energy. I have some of these ingredients at home; I sometimes use small amounts of mugwort and chamomile steeped in mint to help me sleep, but I am always interested in trying new blends made by others, especially when they come with claims like this. [Before I go any further, I'd really like to stress that besides doing your own research into whatever herbal blends you decide to consume, pregnant women especially should not consume mugwort. It causes uterine contractions and could harm your baby.]
When you steep Psychic Eye, it turns a beautiful gold. Remember to use hot, but not boiling, water for herbal tea! I used 1 1/2 tbsp in a tea bag for each cup. Its taste is mild, slightly grassy or green. I didn't use sweetener for this cup, but a little raw honey would be very good in it. It made me instantly sleepy(er), so I only had one cup, but Aaron had two. This proved to be a mistake. I fell asleep easily and had colorful, lucid dreams. Waking up was a little difficult, but I had to because Isaac was standing over me, singing. A little groggy, I got up for the day and had to let Aaron sleep for another 4 hours. He didn't remember any dreams.
Overall, I would recommend Mother Mountain Herbs if you like blended teas and natural ingredients - shipping is quick and the teas are thoughtfully packed to prevent crushed leaves. Each bag is $10 and comes with enough tea for about 27 serving meaning each cup costs about $0.37, less if you reuse tea bags for multiple cups in a row like I do. I wholly plan on ordering a few different tea blends soon.
Stay Fanatic,

(All reviews are done on products that I buy for myself, unless otherwise noted. Review requests can be submitted by following instructions at the link above.)


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